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Yogasakti Teacher Spot Lights

Holly Arcari
Published On
February 7, 2018

Im honored to be the teacher of the month!

I absolutely love yoga. It challenges me to this day but also brings me great joy!  I think yoga saved me after i had my first son. I needed time to myself and for myself only.  I needed to find a deep connection to something that i could control when motherhood, while amazing, challenged me greatly.  I felt like i lost myself because i became a mom/wife/chef/maid… Yoga helped me find my self again.  Teaching kind of evolved naturally for me.  When i decided to take Marc St. Pierre's teacher training it was just to dive deeper into my practice.  Then something shifted.  I had to teach.  I actually overcame what seemed like an unsurmountable obstacle, public speaking. But i faced my fears and feel so much stronger because of it!   

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